Jane TorvaneyWhat about posture?Many of us think of our posture in terms of the position we are holding our neck, shoulders, chest and spine in when we are sitting or...
Jane TorvaneyWhen did you first feel that pain?Have you ever been asked the question ‘when did you first feel that pain?’ It is a question I regularly ask my patients at their initial...
Jane TorvaneyTop tips for back careIn the UK, back problems are the leading cause of disability with nearly 119 million days a year lost: one in eight unemployed people...
Jane TorvaneyTrue PostureHow is your posture today? When I first chat about posture with someone there is an immediate reaction, which is almost universal. The...
Jane TorvaneyTaking that first stepHave you ever faced the dilemma of whether to take action and seek help for that niggle in your body or not? It has perhaps appeared...