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Jane Torvaney

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Jane Torvaney
Chartered Physiotherapist

Jane has over 30 years of experience as a Chartered Physiotherapist working throughout the UK in a variety of settings and specialities within the NHS and private sector. She has extensive experience in treating MSK conditions and orthopaedics, neurology, paediatrics and, more recently, women's health. Jane brings a deep love and respect for the body and its workings and an understanding that for true movement to occur, all parts must work in harmony together. 

She unreservedly shares this with those she treats supporting them to become more aware of their body, their posture and their movement.


Following the philosophy that our lifestyle choices, including how we move, greatly impact our health and well-being, Jane uses a holistic, integrative approach to treat all problems, whether occurring through accident, injury, illness or disease. In doing so, she offers the body an optimal opportunity for healing. 
Jane is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists, the Healthcare Professional Council and the Esoteric Practitioners Association.



1985 Chartered Physiotherapist, Grampian School of Physiotherapy

1995 Post graduate Diploma lower limb orthotic biomechanics

2001 Diploma in Structural Integration, School of Structural Integration Boulder Colorado

2016 POPG female urinary dysfunction course



Jane has presented nationally and internationally to small and large groups on a wide range of topics that support the body towards optimum health. Her joy of working with the body and its potential to heal is shared unreservedly in a light yet highly informative way. She runs regular online classes and is available to discuss creating bespoke workshops on well-being with interested parties.


Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. 

They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

Complementary Health

In conjunction with physiotherapy, Jane Torvaney works with a suite of complementary therapies to assist clients in becoming relaxed and still in sessions, supporting them to return to themselves; this supports the body and the being to rejuvenate deeply.

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Jane runs a variety of classes, workshops and programmes designed to support you and your body's return to increased health, well-being and vitality. Classes are currently available online; for more information and to book, click the button below.


"Sessions with Jane are life changing, she has such a gentle, encouraging manner and I was amazed at how freely I moved, pain free after just one hour."

~ VM Dundee

Jane Torvaney has over 30 years of experience as a Chartered Physiotherapist working throughout the UK in a variety of settings and specialities.



Contact Jane Torvaney   |   Phone:  07794674281   |   Address: 21 Ogilvy Street, Tayport, Fife DD6 9NF


© 2018 by Jane Torvaney Physiotherapist, North East Fife Physiotherapy | Structural Harmony | Physio and Exercise Classes in North East Fife.

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