Gentle Breath Meditation ®
The Gentle Breath Meditation is a beautiful tool to support you in re-connecting to the stillness within, which is our natural way of being.
At times life can seem like an endless cycle of increasing speed and we feel out of control as its momentum carries us on and on. We may be caught in a whirlwind of activity whether in our physical actions or in our mental thoughts, and we long to step off the merry go round of seeming chaos but cannot find a way to do so.
Gentle Breath Meditation ® is a super simple technique, which offers you a moment to stop and connect to your breath and you. Unlike many other meditations offering visualisations and chants to escape from the rigours of life, Gentle Breath Meditation offers the reverse – an opportunity to connect more deeply to your body, knowing that under all the stresses of life and their effect on your body, is a place untouched, a place of stillness.

Carried out in a comfortable seated position or lying down Gentle Breath Meditation is accessible to all.
Free downloads are available through Unimed Living or why not attend a Gentle Breath Meditation Group. See the events page for more info.